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发表于 2008-8-19 00:20:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

14 Hewlett Road, Cheltenham,
Gloucestershire GL52 6AA
Telephone: 01242 252871

Show the Animals you Care & Help Make World Animal Day 2008
the Biggest and Best Yet!
Dear Friends of the Animals in China

History of World Animal Day
You may be aware that World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. Since then it has grown to encompass all kinds of animal life and is widely celebrated in countries throughout the world. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
It is intended as a day of celebration for anyone in the world who cares about animals and welcomes all nationalities, creeds, religions, political beliefs and ideologies.
The aim of the World Animal Day website is to encourage everybody interested in animals throughout the world to use this special day to commemorate their love and respect for animals and celebrate our special relationship with the animal kingdom. Since the website was launched in 2003, the number of events taking place throughout the world to heighten public awareness of animal issues has increased year upon year.
The 'Get Involved' section of the website includes plenty of ideas and everything needed to organise a successful World Animal Day event.  Many of the ideas are relatively easy to organise, however, for those who want to be more adventurous, there are also ideas that require a little more time and effort - but with some keen helpers on board anything is possible ?the sky抯 the limit!
We are sure you will agree that building the World Animal Day initiative is a wonderful way to unite the animal welfare movement and it抯 something that everyone can join in with whether they are part of an organisation, group, or as an individual.
Don't forget to let us know your plans as the website features an event listing facility to provide free publicity to any group or individual who is doing something special connected with animals on or around 4 October. Provided the event is taking place within 2 weeks either side of the day itself and is being advertised as a 慦orld Animal Day?event, it can be advertised on the website.

World Animal Day 2007
In celebration of World Animal Day last year, events took place in Africa (Tanzania, Morocco, Congo, Kenya, Cameroon, South Africa), Asia (Sri Lanka, Syria, Philippines, Nepal, India, Cambodia, Jordan, Singapore, China (Animals Asia Foundation), Malaysia, Pakistan, Armenia), South America (Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Bolivia, Honduras, Peru, Grenada, Puerto Rico), Europe (Ireland, France, Holland, Italy, Ukraine, Lithuania, Cyprus, Romania, Russia, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Malta), New Zealand and throughout Australia, United Kingdom and USA.  
Be inspired - for more information about the events that took place in 2007 and to see some images, please visit the website roundup pages.
Simply copy and paste the link at the end of this paragraph into your browser which will take you to the World Events Overview page and from here you can click on links to Africa, Asia, Australia & NAZI, Europe, South America, UK and USA.
The free publicity doesn't end with the Online Event Listing.
Once your event has taken place, all you need to do is send us a short report about it, with photographs, and we will show the world what you have achieved in the 慠oundup of World Animal Day Events 2008?

World Animal Day Ambassadors
In February we launched the World Animal Day Ambassador project and have already appointed 35 highly motivated individuals who are passionate about animals and their welfare, and committed to encouraging support for the World Animal Day initiative in their own countries.  Some of the recently appointed Ambassadors read about this successful project on the website where an outline of the type of people we are seeking and the work to be carried out is outlined.  They then approached World Animal Day offering their services as they could see the huge potential of this wonderful initiative.  We aim to appoint an Ambassador in each country to help World Animal Day achieve its goal for the animals: to unite the animal welfare movement throughout the world at this special time and become a powerful central platform from which to embrace all animals and highlight the unique concerns of each, in every country.
Get Involved ?Be Part of Something Special
As the society you represent is well respected and leads the way to improved standards in Asia, we are calling on you to set an example by helping to unite the animal welfare movement
- building the 慦orld Animal Day?initiative is a major opportunity to do just that!

Please help raise awareness of World Animal Day by providing this information to anyone you know who might be interested in getting involved.
You can also help by including information in a newsletter and / or by creating a website link. (Full instructions for a number of different styles of weblink are available in the 慠esources?section of the website where you will also find the World Animal Day Logo in various formats.)
I'd like to highlight the fact that World Animal Day is not linked to any one individual, organisation or campaign, but belongs to everyone.
Interest in participating in World Animal Day celebrations is growing rapidly and presents everyone who cares about animals with a wonderful opportunity to be seen standing united with animal welfarists throughout the world in order to heighten public awareness of animal issues - an opportunity far too good to miss!
World Animal Day is the only day of the year designated to all the wonderful creatures with whom we share this earth.
If you truly care about animals then you have a duty to get involved ?the animals can't speak for themselves so we must shout loudly on their behalf. If you don't do anything who will?
We look forward to hearing from you very soon.
Kind regards
Caroline Barker
Project Manager

A celebration of animals and their contribution to our lives
World Animal Day website created by Naturewatch.
All queries relating to www.worldanimalday.org.uk should be directed to:
Naturewatch, 14 Hewlett Road, Cheltenham, GL52 6AA.
Email : info@worldanimalday.org.uk
Tel : 01242 252871
Registered in England.
Registration No. 2660946.
A Company Limited By Guarantee.


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发表于 2008-8-19 19:14:45 | 显示全部楼层
oh  my  god      good      
yes  I do  
I  like  your   to  day  
good  luck  

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